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Article: Healthy Skin Is All About Cellular Turnover

Healthy Skin Is All About Cellular Turnover


Cellular turnover describes the process of shedding dead skin cells and their replacement with fresh, new, younger, healthier cells. Cells start out plump and full of moisture in the bottom layer of the epidermis. As skin cells mature, they rise through the compact layers of the epidermis becoming flatter and drier until they reach the surface of the skin. By this point, the cells are nothing more than dry flakes of keratin protein waiting to be shed.

How quickly or slowly this process occurs has to do with several factors, including age, environment, UV exposure, hormones, the foods we eat, whether or not you smoke (don’t!).

Age is the biggest factor. Babies are cell turnover factories completing a cell turnover cycle in under two weeks, hence their amazingly soft, smooth, endlessly smoochable skin. By the teen years, the process takes three to four weeks. Then things start to slow. By your forties, it’s taking about 45 days to complete the skin cell cycle. By your fifties, it can be as long as 60 days.


The longer the cell turnover cycle takes, the more dead cells are left to build up on the surface of the skin. This proliferation of cellular debris makes skin look heavy, dry, and dull. The dead cells clog and stretch pores, making them appear larger and more pronounced. They trap oil and bacteria in the pore, which can lead to breakouts. That’s why it’s not uncommon to see acne well past your teen years. Lines and wrinkles appear deeper as the dead skin cells buildup around them. Patches of excess pigment (age spots or hyperpigmentation) appear darker.

By increasing cell turnover, you remove dead skin that has accumulated on the surface. You reduce the appearance of pores. You clear impactions and reduce breakouts. You diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You also reduce excess pigment. Increasing cell turnover is the way to smoother texture and a more even tone, the prerequisite to radiance, and essential to maintaining healthy, vibrant skin.


Exfoliation is the key to boosting cell turnover. Exfoliation with medical grade acids removes dead skin cells and encourages the generation of new cells. Combining these chemical exfoliators with physical wiping of the skin with a clean, wet face cloth works best. This will physically loosen and lift dead skin cells.

DermExcel Chemical exfoliators:

For acne-prone skin - 
Cleanser: Pore Control cleanser contains 3% Salicylic acid.
Chemical Exfoliator: Salicylic gel | Daily Acne peel contains 5% Salicylic acid.
Treatment serum: Acne Repair serum contains 3% Salicylic acid (among other highly beneficial ingredients).

For aging skin - 
Cleanser: Renewal facial cleanser contains 3% Salicylic acid, 5% Glycolic acid and 1% Mandelic acid. This potent exfoliating cleanser is also an excellent choice for dark skin tones prone to hyperpigmentation.
Chemical Exfoliator: Radiant gel contains 10% Glycolic acid / Chemical peel spray contains 10% Glycolic acid + 3% Salicylic acid.
If you have dry and/or sensitive skin include DermNourish (dry skin) or DermRepair (dry and inflamed skin) in your skincare regimen.  

The exfoliating products will also optimize the absorption of your regenerative serums. 

Cellular Proliferation:

The other factor to address is cell proliferation. Cell turnover slows with age because the cells simply aren’t regenerating as quickly as they did when we were young. That means fewer new cells pushing toward the surface. This is where retinol comes in. Retinol works to speed the process of cell turnover, but it also acts as a cell regulator, signaling the production of collagen and elastin.

Not all retinol serums are the same, however. DermExcel Retinol serum's patented Retinoic acid ester is the most effective non-prescription retinoid available. Because of its unique structure, it’s more readily absorbed by skin so it can reach the lower levels of skin, directly bind to the RA receptors to effect change. DermExcel Retinol serum also contain ceramide-boosting niacinamide among other highly beneficial medical grade active ingredients. 



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