Lindsey Abrahams Acne Treatment Plan
Lindsey Abrahams Diagnosis:
Acne and Pityrosporum folliculitis
Treatment Plan:
Morning: ☀️
3. Dermdefence SPF 50
Evening: 🌙
2. Salicylic gel | Daily Acne peel every night for 2 weeks (until existing lesions were improved)
After 2 weeks:
Daily Acne peel 2-3 times per week only on areas of concern (pimples and blackheads). Daily Acne peel can later be replaced with Chemical peel spray (part of her BOdy Acne treatment).
Retinol serum on the other nights
Every second week:
Excelerate on areas of concern
Body Acne Treatment:
Medi Zinc cleanser as often as possible.
Dermalytic in the evening and Chemical peel spray in the morning.
Frequency of use depends on tolerability.
Frequently asked question:
Q: Why Medi-Zinc cleanser and not Pore Control cleanser?
A: Lindsey presented with Acne as well as Pityrosporum folliculitis (also sometimes referred to as fungal acne). The yeast involved in Pityrosporum folliculitis is controlled by Medi-Zinc cleanser.