"A waste of your time and money," says dermatologist Leslie Baumann. "Toners were invented to re-balance the skin's pH and because cleansers used to leave a soapy film on your skin that had to be removed. Today's cleansers don't leave that film anymore and if you use a well-formulated cleanser your skin's pH won't need to be adjusted ".
foot mask
If you really need a reason to put your feet up, a foot mask offers one. Otherwise, you're better off using an exfoliating moisturizer to smooth rough spots and slough off the dead skin on your feet.
Lip Exfoliator
Unless your lips are super flaky, a balm alone will keep them silky. If your lips are flaky you don't need a special product for exfoliating your lips. Simply wash over your lips with your salicylic acid-based facial cleanser. Apply lip balm afterward or the next morning, wrap a tissue or face cloth around your index finger and rub it over your lips. You'll remove the flakes without risking irritation.
Anything That Says "Cellulite" On It
No lotion, cream, foam or pill will get rid of cellulite. Sunscreen helps prevent the UV-induced collagen loss that makes the skin become slack and look more dimpled, though, so always wear it when you're baring your legs.
neck cream
You don't need a product specifically for your neck. Give your neck the same treatment as your face: Apply sunscreen every morning, and a retinol cream every night.
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